Wedding Bells

Our brother tied the knot!!! We love having a new sister-in-law and look forward to getting to know her better. For the open house we made a simple yet elegant cake, that turned out beautiful and super yummy. The cake was a moist Italian cream covered in cream cheese frosting.

Zebra + Cars

Making cakes for kids is so rewarding. The Zebra cake below was for the cutest 5-year-old that gave me a big hug! The Cars cake was for a 4-year-old that light up when I showed him the cake and then showed up on my doorstep that afternoon with a thank-you card! I love how expressive kids are.

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Over the weekend our grandmother celebrated her 90th Birthday! She had a wonderful party that included her kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and friends. For the event we made a topsy-turvy cake in her favorite color, blue. The cake was marble with chocolate ganache filling.

Birthday Weekend!

This one's for the Yankee's fans!

Vrooom! This cake made for the perfect addition to a Car's themed 3rd Birthday Party!

Belle is all dressed up and ready for the big dance with her prince!

This Death by Chocolate screams chocolatey goodness. The frosting is made of Hershey's chocolate chips and half and half; which makes for a delicious fudge-like frosting.

Happy 1st Birthday!

A friends sweet little boy turns 1 today! We wish him a fun filled day!

This is a white-blueberry cake with lemon curd and blueberry puree filling.

About Us

"Bake me a Cake" is ran by Texas Adams and Rachel Dunn...The Cakers!

As a young teen I (Texas) was a nanny for a dear family. The mom began to make cakes for a local battered woman's shelter. She saw my interest in her endeavors and recruited my help, bought me a cake decorating tool kit and gave me a gift card to take the beginners Wilton Cake Decorating class. Her early efforts not only inspired me but they developed into a national charity.

From this beginning I began to take more classes and to make cakes for family and friends. Cake decorating is twice as fun when there are two of you so I recruited the help of my sister Rachel. She in turn began to make cakes for her friends and recruited my help. In mid 2010 we joined efforts and launched our business, Bake Me a Cake.

We pride ourselves on making custom cakes and cupcakes that not only look amazing but taste amazing.
