Zebra Birthday Cake!

This was a really fun cake to make. In the end we were happy with the results and the birthday girl was ecstatic. She wasn't home when I dropped the cake off but called me and the excitement in her voice was as if she had won something off the radio! For us, that is like getting a big bonus!

Handy Manny & Princesses

I have been a little spoiled lately with making children's birthday cakes. This weekend was no exception. Now if I only had a better camera. The Princess cake was way cuter in person.

Chocolate Goodness

Pitter Patter of Little Feet

Halloween Goodies

About Us

"Bake me a Cake" is ran by Texas Adams and Rachel Dunn...The Cakers!

As a young teen I (Texas) was a nanny for a dear family. The mom began to make cakes for a local battered woman's shelter. She saw my interest in her endeavors and recruited my help, bought me a cake decorating tool kit and gave me a gift card to take the beginners Wilton Cake Decorating class. Her early efforts not only inspired me but they developed into a national charity.

From this beginning I began to take more classes and to make cakes for family and friends. Cake decorating is twice as fun when there are two of you so I recruited the help of my sister Rachel. She in turn began to make cakes for her friends and recruited my help. In mid 2010 we joined efforts and launched our business, Bake Me a Cake.

We pride ourselves on making custom cakes and cupcakes that not only look amazing but taste amazing.
